Is pranan and soul the same?

No, pranan and soul are different from one another. pranan does wondrous things to the soul. The main reason why people think that soul and pranan are alike is because it is said that when one dies, the soul is gone and so is pranan. Each body casts a shadow. Similarly, soul is the shadow of pranan which is in a subtle form. Pranan follow the movements of their souls at all times.

Just like pranan, Soul also originates from Brahman. There are two things we can look at to understand the difference between pranan and soul. The presence of pranan can also be felt in the tips of the body’s hair and nails. But… the soul travels through the naadis. Secondly, pranan is independent of the body. But soul is not independent, it does many other things in the body just like our other senses i.e, eyes and nose etc.

In short, pranan can be considered as a minister under the control of the soul. Pranan directly operates on the senses.

I will be telling more about life later.

Poojari Manoj K Viswanthan.

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